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All 2D art done by the amazing Faiyx!


What started as a personal project between friends slowly grew into a unique deck builder visual novel hybrid. We developed an alpha during a mentorship program at Deck13 and plan a full release in the future!



Fashion an exorbitant menu whose courses you will consume between rounds! Each dish empowers your Deck by adding new moves or upgrading existing ones!


Enter the wrestling ring and battle it out to emerge victorious in a best-of-five! Win the card game by placing moves on the timeline to push the momentum counter towards your enemy!



Meet your competitors in the trailer park between matches. Deepen your connection to unlock new treasured recipes and learn more about what drives and challenges them.


I came up with the original pitch and am the lead programmer and game designer of the team.

I also set the foundation for the games narrative and worldbuilding.



My goal is to design an accessible card game to compliment our story and setting. By taking inspiration from turn-based fighting games, I came up with a timeline system on which cards must be placed before they strike. This creates plenty of design space for unique effects and interactions, while still maintaining a sense of urgency and flow of combat.


I also aim to create an engaging rouge-lite progression system, in which the progress carried over between rounds comes only in the form of consumable ingredients for cooking and increasing options in the form of recipes. This way, the player will be forced to plan ahead and improvise every game, without useful rewards drying up or the gameplay getting stale.


As the programmer, it is my job to create accessible data libraries for my artists and writers to use. I also take responsibility for the arena's UI animation and functionality.


My most important task is the development of our Enemy-AI. By giving it the ability to simulate the game's future based on its current state and differentiate between different outcomes and interactions, it will make for a formidable opponent in the ring.



© 2022 by Lukas Eckart. Proudly created with

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